Well, this isn’t how it was supposed to be. Eventually, but not yet!
Next month I’m finally going under the knife for some minor shoulder surgery I’ve been putting off all year. It’s just a minor procedure to fix some arthritis issues, but it’ll put a damper on Just Wandering for awhile. I’m okay with that. I’ve come to terms with it, prepared for it, and I’m READY. But…
Not just yet. Unfortunately last weekend I stepped on a nail and it pierced my foot near my heel. UGH. I went to the doc today and got a booster shot, but he also told me he was putting me on an antibiotic because it showed signs of infection already. SERIOUSLY. Walking is a chore, so wandering is out for now. However, I’ll be backdating some of the trips from the last year and including some reviews of things we picked up along the way. Cairn is one for sure. You’ll want to get our 2c on THAT.
For now I’m wandering on the road to recovery. Damn.
I do have a hiking trip on the ske-doolie at the end of the month. Fingers crossed…