September 27 – We woke up early again, but couldn’t see outside much. The windows were caked with frost! I got up and fired up the car and heater, then jumped
back into the sleeping bag. It took awhile for the frost to melt and for us to warm up, but eventually we did. The sun was rising quickly as well, which helped, and we were certainly not in a hurry today anyway.We got dressed and packed up our stuff again. The bathrooms were clean and best of all… WARM! We drove over to the visitor center for breakfast and coffee. Although we had to wait a few minutes for it to open, we got 4 hot coffees to go and some food. We semi-planned our day sitting in there in the lot, but we also realized we were pretty close to Reykjavik so we wouldn’t need to rush through things.

After eating we drove the 3 or 4 minutes to the parking lot for Lögberg – the Law rock. We got out and walked the pathways for awhile, marveling at the geology of the area and the historical significance it played for Iceland and the world as well. Soon we were back at the car and began our drive toward Reykjavik. We checked the map (over and over again) and found where the place was to return the camping equipment. We never pulled the tent out of the bag, which seemed like a waste… because it was I guess, but better have it and not need it than need it and not have it! We returned it all and hopped back in the car, bound for our AirBnB for the night.
We found it pretty easily but were early, so we parked in the street and walked around by the ocean. The city is beautiful, friendly, and welcoming.

We immediately fell in love with it! Getting back to the car we saw the place was now open so we grabbed our things and brought them in. The place was small and comfortable, very clean, and had everything we needed right there! A kitchen, nice shower, and a comfortable bed! Again, sleeping in the car or tent makes the budget stretch pretty far, but nothing beats a bed after a few days out on the road! We showered and then found the closest wine store, then walked down to get a bottle. We had dinner (chicken tikka and rice again), and decided to walk down toward the ocean on the northern shore. It was beautiful out and we walked along the Sculpture and Shore Walk, which is an amazing place.

It’s stunning and offers great views of the city, ocean, and mountains beyond. We watched as the sun went down
and headed back to our little place on Neshagi. It was getting cooler for certain, so when we got back we cleaned up and jumped in bed. It was soooo comfortable, and off to sleep we fell!!!